Skimming off the top (part 3)

Skimming off the top (part 3) In Part 1 and Part 2 of this current series of posts I presented some data and insights on the first two-thirds of the survey questions.  This final part brings the ‘skimming’ to a close and my next posts will drill deeper into the factors of gender and race/ethnicity and also into the changes in levels of idealism reported by aid and development workers. ************* Q51 and Q52 asked about the relationship between the “field” and “home office” with Q53 allowing for narrative responses to the questions.  Q51 asked in general about the degree to which the field and home office are in sync regarding important matters like priorities and processes, and Q52 made it more specific asking about this relationship in the organization with with they were working. The numbers were striking similar in both with the mode (by far, about 62%) being … Continue reading Skimming off the top (part 3)